Stop Artificial Intelligence (AI) from Increasing Unseen Bias in Our Organization

2024-06-10T07:17:41-09:00April 18, 2024|AI and Ethics|

Explore strategies to prevent AI from amplifying unseen bias and exclusion in organizations. This post discusses the challenges posed by AI tools like Microsoft 365’s CoPilot and AI Builder, and presents practical solutions such as inclusive communication practices, AI ethics guidelines, regular audits, feedback mechanisms, and AI training. Learn how these practices can promote a more inclusive and ethical use of AI in your organization.

Why AI Matters to Every Organization’s 2024 Plan

2023-12-28T11:35:16-09:00December 6, 2023|AI|

This blog post discusses the critical role of artificial intelligence (AI) in shaping small businesses' futures. It emphasizes the urgency of AI adoption and its transformative impact on performance metrics, market growth, and GDP contribution.