Safety Plus™

Security is not just a feature—it’s the foundation of your organization’s integrity. Safety Plus prepares you to face the complexities of SAAS and endpoint security confidently. The threats don’t stand still, and neither do we. Our Safety Plus security solutions evolve with your business, ensuring you can confidently face the complexities of SAAS and endpoint security.

Safety Plus™ M365 Aware Report

Visibility for Better Security Decisions

Our M365 Aware Report scans your Microsoft 365 cloud security settings to find solid areas and those needing work. It helps you tailor your defenses to fit your business needs. Regular updates give you a clear view of your security posture, helping you make smart choices and keep your business safe in the best way for you. We have versions designed for Business Executives and for IT Professionals.

Safety Plus™ Hardening

Guard Against Security Shifts

Safety Plus Hardening keeps your Microsoft 365 security settings accurate and up to date. It handles “Drift”—those gradual changes that can occur as Microsoft updates features or your company grows and changes. It monitors critical areas like the Admin Center, Entra, and Teams to ensure they align with your security goals.

Safety Plus™ Cloud Alert

Enhance Your Email Alert Monitoring

Safety Plus Cloud Alert watches over your Microsoft 365 email alerts during Eastern business hours. It’s an excellent backup for your team’s email checks. While it doesn’t replace a 24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC), it’s a dependable extra layer of security. If an alert needs attention, we’ll let you know right away. For the best protection, use it along with a SOC.

Safety Plus™ Phishing Net

Improve your Team’s Cyber Vigilance

Phishing Net by Safety Plus is not just a tool; it's an educational journey for your team. Designed to simulate phishing attacks, this service captures real-world threats in a controlled environment, teaching your team to recognize and respond to malicious attempts. Enhance your team's cybersecurity awareness and turn your employees into the first line of defense against phishing attacks. With Phishing Net, every failed attempt is a learning opportunity, strengthening your organization's human firewall.

Safety Plus™ RMM

Your 24/7 Cybersecurity Guard

Safety Plus Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) simplifies the way you track and protect your computers. It keeps your software, including Windows, Chrome, and Adobe, up to date with the latest security patches. It also keeps an eye on your computers to protect against security threats. With remote control capabilities, you can manage your devices from anywhere. Plus, you’ll get a monthly report detailing your system’s health and inventory.

Safety Plus™ Password Vault

Keep Your Passwords Safe

Let go of the password puzzle. Safety Plus Password Vault neatly stores all your login info, allowing you to access your apps smoothly and securely. The Basic version offers a simple setup. The Extended version adds Single Sign-On (SSO), multi-factor Authentication (MFA), and notification of at-risk passwords on the Dark Web.

Safety Plus™ Armor

Enhance Your Email Alert Monitoring

Your 24/7 Cybersecurity Guard

Choose Safety Plus Armor for a full-scale cybersecurity plan. Our SOC keeps a constant watch and is ready to tackle cyber threats at any moment. The EndPoint Agent checks your devices, looking out for anything odd. Our skilled team is always set to respond fast, working with you when needed. Safety Plus Armor isn’t a guarantee against all threats, but it’s a strong line of defense, boosting your protection online.

Safety Plus™ Restore

Effortless Microsoft 365 Backup and Swift Recovery

Our backup service is like a safety net for your Microsoft 365 data. It catches your emails and documents if they get lost or hit by cyber threats. You get more protection than with just Microsoft, and if something goes wrong, you can get your files back quickly. Your work keeps flowing, and you stay worry-free.